Whinpark Medical Centre Case Study

Aim of the project 

Whinpark Medical Practice contacted Grease Monkey in the Summer of 2023 with the objective of creating cycling facilities to encourage more staff to cycle to work. This included storage, locking and drying facilities.

Security was a concern for the staff, in which case they were delighted to learn that our Velobox is Secured by Design and Sold Secure rated; the highest level of security possible. Giving them peace of mind that their bikes would be safely stored. As an extra precaution they requested a D Lock for an e-bike. We also provided them with a drying locker to enable cycling in all weather conditions.

“We are getting on great with our Velobox, and it is used almost daily. Around 5 members of our team are now cycling regularly, whereas only 2 members cycled to work previously. The uptake in cycling has definitely been the reassurance of a safe and secure place to leave their bikes. Our Lead GP cycles to work nearly every day now, and various members of our wider team are using our e-bikes to complete home visits.”