Grease Monkey adopts a continuous development process where we take feedback from clients and incorporate as design updates whilst ensuring that all updates can be integrated into existing products that are out in the marketplace.
These improvements can be evidenced in preceding hangars where they have evolved over time with changes to improve accessibility, security and sustainability. We ensure we have an open line of communication with our clients to welcome feedback at all points throughout the installation process to ensure the highest standard of customer service is provided to the client at all times.
Throughout previous and current projects we are always looking to improve our efficiencies in relation to delivery and install, to manage the installation process from start to finish that is updated immediately.
Our designs have evolved in a managed way which have included improvements in the supply, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of hangars. This planned continuous improvement is a value that runs through our company and is implemented throughout all of our processes, products and services.
For more information on all the products and services that we offer please contact [email protected] or 0131 267 9739.